Apr 12, 2022 |

The Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (UNISAME) felicitated Shahbaz Sharif on becoming leader of the house and by virtue of same becoming prime minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

President UNISAME Zulfikar Thaver said ” we wish him best of luck and expect from him good governance, no tolerance against corruption and good administration.

He said Shahbaz Sharif is known for his good administration. Of course the SME sector expects top priority for ease of doing business and  reducing cost of production.
Whilst appreciating former prime minister Imran Khan for his concern for the SMEs and making of the SME policy and  launching various finance schemes for the under privileged sector he lamented that Imran Khan had the golden opportunity but could not deliver much due to his weak team. The sector had high hopes in him and expected far better results. Had he followed the road map given by the majority sector the country could have progressed much better.
Thaver said “We are  indeed grateful to the  State Bank of Pakistan (SBP)  and the Small & Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) under Ministry of Industries and Production (MoI&P) who worked with  dedication for the sector but are terribly disappointed with the other ministries who kept matters pending and the sector suffered due to their lethargy.
UNISAME Council said “We must stop hero worshiping and evaluate every PM and leaders on merit and performance. There has to be strong broad based accountability and ensure that the coming government adheres to it strictly.
The UNISAME Council urged Imran Khan to indulge in constructive criticism and play a healthy role as leader of the opposition in the parliament and prevent unfavorable policies and insist on austerity.

Posted in: Press Releases

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