Unisame urges government to open hospitality business immediately after Eid.

Jul 28, 2020 |

The Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (UNISAME) has urged the government to allow the hospitality industry to open,function and to play its dynamic role in the economy.

The government needs to comprehend the substantial losses the SMEs are suffering due to the long lock down since last week of March 2020 which has shattered the businesses of SMEs completely said UNISAME Council.

President UNISAME Zulfikar Thaver said due to closure of hospitality business a huge number of restaurants, marriage halls, fashion industry, poultry industry, dairies, entrepreneurs, event managers, caterers, employees, kitchens, decorators, beverages industry, beauty parlours , jewelry makers are on the verge of bankruptcy and are requesting opening of the ban as the losses are now unbearable. Above all many couples who are waiting to be married are getting impatient and anxious that their engagement may not be broken due to delay in marriage.

Thaver said all over the world dine in facilities are now allowed under strict SOPs as the governments have realized the need to open them in view of the financial hardships faced by businesses due to the ban.

Thaver said we have to learn to live with the Coronavirus by observing social distancing and caring for our own selves and simultaneously carrying on our businesses with precautionary mask and keeping distance and using sanitizers and washing of hands and avoiding shaking of hands.

The UNISAME council has felt the need to plead the cause of the SMEs engaged in hospitality business and has urged the government to open the hospitality business immediately after Eid ul Azha as Muharram would be fast approaching and most people avoid celebrations and entertainments during the holy month of Muharram and Safar.

Posted in: Press Releases

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