May 2, 2014 |

Karachi, The Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (UNISAME) has submitted proposals for a smart SME policy under finalization to the ministry of planning,development and reform (PD&R) for their consideration.

President UNISAME Zulfikar Thaver in a message to the MoPD&R stated that the SMEs are engaged in trading, manufacturing, services and farming and each is playing an important role and the government needs to realize that they all need to be facilitated and supported with finance at affordable mark up, technical education, information and comfortable environment and the budget needs to ensure proper allocation of funds for this purpose.

In view of the E-commerce catching on the commercial importers and exporters need to be treated at par with the manufacturers and the facilities of utilizing bonded warehouses, sales tax refund and other facilities of releasing goods on guarantees which are provided to the manufacturing units must also be provided to the commercial traders. Likewise the services sector must be encouraged to meet the challenges.

UNISAME has proposed priority for the SME sector as a whole on the basis that it is the majority sector and the backbone of the economy, it is the back forte of the large sector and both are very important to one another. In fact it also proposed priority for housing being positive it will give boost to the economy. The plea is that the sector be given the priority it deserves in the budget and since SMEDA is the instrument it has to be enabled to implement the plan.

It was suggested that the income tax exemption limit be enhanced to Rs600000 in view of the depreciation of the rupee and the inflation rate due to which the buying power of the sector is become less.

It is proposed that farm inputs be spared from import duties, sales tax and other levies and instead income from agriculture be made taxable because income tax is payable on income whereas duties and taxes on farm inputs increases cost of production. Due to sales tax on farm inputs the export of value added goods is becoming uncompetitive.

There should be zero duty on imports of technology, alternate energy systems, generators, machinery new or second hand including farm machinery and equipment to encourage industrialization and farming.

The duty on import of raw materials be reduced substantially, likewise duty on packing material be reduced substantially to promote attractive packing for exports.

The rate of exchange for imports and exports be kept such as to give a higher rate to the exporters to encourage exports and the rate for imports be lower to make imported raw material affordable as the import duties are calculated and applicable on the invoice value of imported goods.

The withholding tax of 0.20% on cash withdrawals from banks applicable on Rs 50000 and above be made applicable on withdrawals of Rs 100000 and above.

Withholding tax on profit on deposits should be reduced to 5% from 10% as the beneficiaries are getting less income due to lowering of profit rates on savings schemes.

The government needs to give incentives to innovative and new industries. The new and innovative industries must get tax holiday and for industries being set up in undeveloped areas the tax holiday period must be longer.

The government must set up state of the art industrial estates and those desirous of setting up industrial estates must be given tax exemptions.

The ministry of finance must recognize the important role played by the construction industry and offer them finance at concession. The housing industry promotes many other industries.

It is very important that the government promotes efficient banking and increases the scope of leasing to make it affordable, it suggested leasing of income generating vehicles, plants and machinery and introducing commercial property leasing of shops, workshops, factories and warehouses on easy repayment with concessional rate of markup.

There is no export credit guarantee insurance and exports to third world countries and through low rating banks is not possible as banks are not negotiating bills drawn on buyers of third world countries and especially those having accounts in low rating banks. There is need for sovereign guarantee to promote exports.

SME financing is the responsibility of the state and the State Bank of Pakistan has introduced various schemes for the SMEs but although the funds are provided by the State Bank the risk is of the commercial banks who are not well versed in risk management therefore it is essential that the State Bank of Pakistan examines this aspect and comes up with SME financing schemes where the risk is shared by the commercial banks and the State Bank of Pakistan by virtue of credit insurance. There is a scheme at present in which the SBP shares 40% risk but the banks are not utilizing it as they are not comfortable with sharing 60% and consider it higher. The government needs to strengthen SMEDA and equip it to carry on its activities vigorously and enable it to reach the SMEs and work scientifically for their uplift.

The government must provide sufficient funds for ongoing projects of SMEDA for their completion and smooth functioning.

Government must provide funds for fulfillment of commitments made in SME Policy 2007 for SME Export House, SME Institute, SME Ombudsman, Joint Venture Capital, SME Fund, Credit Guarantee Insurance and other promises made in the SME Policy which got approval of the National Assembly and the cabinet.

The budget needs to include provision for expansion of SMEDA on modern lines and make it an exemplary institution for SME promotion and development.

The union has urged the MPD&R to seriously consider the proposals for a smart SME policy 2014 to benefit the majority sector.

Posted in: Press Releases

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