Dec 10, 2014 |
The Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (UNISAME) realizing the need for modern insurance facilities for the SME sector and as a first step to promote comprehensive risk management invited Century Insurance to come forward to acquaint the SMEs with the latest types of indemnities available for the sector.

President UNISAME Zulfikar Thaver welcomed the officials of Century Insurance and quoted a saying of an economist that ” Fire, the wheel and central banking are the best inventions since the beginning of time”. He added to this that insurance is the next best invention. Risk covered by insurance empowers the entrepreneur to enter into transactions and even makes the banks comfortable in financing the small to medium sized entrepreneurs. He emphasized the need for the SMEs to know the various types of risk coverage to make them manage the risk. He urged Century Insurance to facilitate the sector with issuance of performance bonds to enable them enter into international bids. He also advocated for crop insurance to facilitate the SME farmers and emphasized the need for insurance covering collateral management.

Abdul Rehman Unit Head Corporate Sales explained that Century Insurance is a Lakson Group Company, in operation since 1989 and offering a full range of general insurance products and services in Property / Fire Insurance,Marine Insurance, Motor, Engineering, Health/Medical, Travel, Miscellaneous and Bond Insurance.
He said Century Insurance are one of the well reputed general insurance companies of Pakistan, Rated “A+” by JCR-VIS, an affiliate of Japan Credit Rating Agency Limited, which signifies “high financial capacity to meet policy holder’s and contractual obligations”.

Muhammad Ali Babar Manager Development said Century is eager to develop insurance business relationship with the SMEs by providing them superior professional services at their door steps. With Century Insurance’s specialized underwriting knowledge, experienced risk assessments and excellent claims handling, we will be there to support you, when any claim occurs. For us, every claim is an opportunity to deliver when it matters and to differentiate the Century Insurance customer experience. As soon as you report a claim, our team will come into action, delivering swift and transparent claims assistance whenever you need it. Our team consists of experienced claims professionals dedicated to fairness and transparency in the handling of all claims.
UNISAME plans to speak to other leading insurance companies to obtain the best insurance facilities for the SMEs,
UNISAME believes that modern banking, insurance, leasing, IT and logistics are the key factors in SME promotion and
development and will make every effort to arrange with the best for the SMEs

Posted in: Press Releases

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