May 15, 2020 |

The Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (UNISAME) appreciated the plan of the government to set up the Pakistan Innovation Fund (PIF) for the benefit of the micro to medium sized sector (MSME) to promote up gradation of the different segments of farming, fishing, livestock. poultry, dairy and agro-based industries.
UNISAME thanked the prime minister (PM) Imran Khan for the initiative taken by him at the behest of the union and urged him to implement it on war footings.
President UNISAME Zulfikar Thaver said it is indeed a wise decision of the policy makers to promote , support, facilitate and help the MSME sector to keep the economy going in these crucial times of lockdown and post lockdown which has curtailed all activities.
The MSMEs are the ones who for their own survival will not remain idle and will face the challenges of the Covid- 19 pandemic and the policy makers need to support them to keep the wheels moving. The encouragement , motivation and support can do wonders for the sector which in turn will reflect on the badly beaten economy Thaver said.
The Ministry of Science and Technology and the Pakistan Credit Guarantee Company are going to play important roles and will spear head the movement to bring about the up gradation, modernization and balancing and replacement in the targeted areas.
The first in the to do list is farming because of the climactic changes, it is very important that hydroponic farming is given top priority. Education is needed to educate the MSME farmers about the benefits of hydroponic farming and introduce it first as a parallel system and once the farmers understand how easy it is and how safe and protected it can be made, they will adopt it. Hydroponic farming can fill all gaps of shortages and guarantee regular supplies from greenhouses to the markets.
Secondly there is need to tap all resources of sea food and modernize the fishing industry. Our trawlers are outdated , we need to upgrade them with on board refrigeration and matching catching and deep sea fishing equipment. We really need to catch the fish which goes away to our neighbouring countries.
Thirdly the sheep breeding industry is neglected and is not given the importance and attention it deserves. The farmers can be encouraged to do this as a parallel to farming and provided the best veterinary care and education on the food and its nutritional values for rapid growth.
Our poultry industry is also not up to the mark and besides chicken, we need to seriously work on birds, ducks, turkeys and ostriches for export as in many global countries there is huge demand for these.
UNISAME experts said the concept of value addition is a must as value can be added to almost every product and line of trade. Value addition is the trump card and we need to include this in all our endeavours. The value addition bureau is a must and it can be set up under the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA).
A comprehensive MSME support policy is needed to provide land at concession on pay as you earn scheme, finance at subsidized rates, leasing facility for plant and equipment for farm houses and solar/ wind/ biomass systems wherever required.
Modern banking, leasing, insurance and logistics to be provided to entrepreneurs and there are no two ways about it. It is high time the government realizes that the big sector is shy and it is the MSME who cannot afford to be shy and will come forward if supported as it needs to survive.
In fact UNISAME survey shows that the upper medium entrepreneurs are geared up and in a position to set up import substitution industries to fill the gap of fall in imports of imported items due to high landed cost. UNISAME Council sincerely hopes the government will not indulge in red tapism and work fast to give jump start to the sector and promote the MSME on fast track.

Posted in: Press Releases

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