May 10, 2021 |

ISLAMABAD – The Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (UNISAME) has demanded of the government to provide finance at affordable rates, uninterrupted energy at affordable rates and lowered import duties on raw material for their uplift. President UNISAME Zulfikar Thaver has invited the attention of Finance Minister Shaukat Tarin to the need of the micro to medium sized entrepreneurs and SME farmers for a separate ministry as in all the developed countries of the world. In a press release, he expressed full confidence in the finance minister Shaukat Tarin’s comprehension of the sector requirements due to his long term association with the under privileged sector and his passion for the uplift of the sector. Thaver said that they need finance at affordable rates, uninterrupted energy at affordable rates, lowered import duties on raw material, conducive environment, fair taxes, incentives for new units and innovative industries, special facilities for import substitution industries and pay as you earn schemes. UNISAME Council also urged the FM to provide for transfer of technology, joint ventures, collaborations under CPEC. Besides the above the sector needs export credit guarantee insurance at affordable rates, office of ombudsman, a SME – Liaison Committee (SME-LC), a strong SMEDA and a federation of chamber of commerce for the SMEs. UNISAME Council members recalled that the FM during his long association with the SME task force and various committees where he was on the advisory committees of State bank of Pakistan (SBP) and SMEDA had himself advocated the cause of the sector and recommended these measures for fast track development of the sector. The UC believes now that he is in a position to influence and impress upon the government to implement high impact measures he will leave no stone upturned to achieve best results.

Posted in: Press Releases

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