Trade Bodies Urged To Take Up Issues Seriously With Government

Sep 24, 2022 |

The Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (UNISAME) has urged all chambers of commerce and industry and trade associations to earnestly facilitate their members for arbitration, complaints, promotion of trade and industry, modernization and advocating their cause at the provincial and federal levels.
President UNISAME Zulfikar Thaver said the trade and industry representatives bodies need to work hard to resolve issues of their respective lines of trade and take up matters effectively and diligently with the authorities.
Thaver said recently the crime rate has increased and it is really become unsafe and robberies and thefts have increased. Gangsters are snatching mobiles and wallets at gun points and there is no check on them.
Secondly the government has increased fuel prices and the utilities companies are increasing their rates every month and there is nobody to stop them.
Thirdly due to depreciation of rupee all segments are affected and although the reasons are known to all there are no measures to control or check the mafia which is working full time.
Fourthly the retailers are taking undue advantage and have increased prices unproportionately much more than the rupee depreciation and increase in dollar rate. All this needs to be checked and it is the duty of the trade representative bodies to advocate the cause of the segments.
The worst affected are the SMEs as their cost of production has increased and due to increase in prices of their goods the buying power of customers have reduced.
The rich and well to do are not affected as much as the hand to mouth and the micro to medium sector is suffering. It is pertinent to note that most of the members of trade associations and chambers are SMEs and it is incumbent upon the trade bodies to speak for them.
Most of the associations are busy in photo sessions and dinner parties and are active at the time of their elections making promises which are forgotten soon. Most of the associations are politicised and they are controlled by the big boys who have their tactics to secure votes and no one outside their circle can even think of contesting against them. Unisame Council members have urged the trade bodies to sincerely work for uplift of the members and ensure that they are facilitated and enabled to join the mainstream.

Posted in: Press Releases

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