Jun 7, 2024 | page 2 7th June 2024

The Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (UNISAME) is aggrieved at the step motherly treatment meted out to the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) and urged the government to increase its scope and strengthen it to enable it to outreach the SMEs.
President UNISAME Zulfikar Thaver said it is indeed very disheartening and also a setback that SMEDA is devoid of a chief executive officer (CEO).
SMEDA needs a CEO, who can passionately voice the concerns of the sector and also advocate their cause.
Thaver said unfortunately important issues remain in doldrums and SMEDA is dumb and passive on many subjects of prime importance like imports and exports, technological gap, finance, facilitation and modernization which are crucial.
Unisame Council members lamented that matters pertaining to exports are not getting attention due to hierarchy as SMEDA declines it that they come under Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP). Likewise other matters they indicate come under other ministries/authorities like ministry of agriculture, food, science and technology and commerce.
It is pertinent to note that SMEDA as per its articles and memorandum of association is duty bound to advocate the cause and be the voice of the sector and no matter whether it is relating to finance, taxation, productivity, export and imports, modernization, transfer of technology it is incumbent on SMEDA to take up the matter and advocate the cause of the sector and voice it and fight for the rights of the SMEs.
If SMEDA is unable to stand up for the SMEs than it should be dissolved and an SME promotion bureau must be established with a CEO from private sector and this bureau must be made competent to promote export of SME wares and offer help, guidance, support, advocacy, facilitation and voice the concern of the sector in all forums.
Thaver pointed out that during his term as member board he objected to the closure of the legal advisory department and ensured its continuity. He also sought permission for SMEDA to obtain Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds and advise corporations on how to utilize CSR funds with optimum benefits for the under privileged sector
He argued that SMEDA should either be revamped with increased scope and strength or closed and a new organization be established as recommended by Asian Development Bank in its report.

Posted in: Press Releases

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