President UNISAME Zulfikar Thaver said it is very important for the banks and financial institutions to relax their collateral requirements for financing the SMEs and consider financing against positive cash flows. He appreciated the different schemes of the government including the Prime Minister Youth Loan Scheme (PMYLS) but said that since the risk in financing was of the concerned banks, the different schemes did not succeed. The PMYLS is beneficial to only those who succeed in the ballot despite of having a sound business plan. Unless the SME financing issues are addressed seriously the financing requirements of the sector will remain and the sector deprived of its rights and level playing field.
He urged the government to provide credit guarantee to commercial banks against default by the SME borrower and said the commercial banks will not be inclined to finance the SMEs unless they are made comfortable through credit guarantee insurance. The present 40% guarantee cover is insufficient and needs to be increased substantially.
Thaver said through a survey conducted by UNISAME it was found that some of the SMEs need finance to acquire assets namely land, machinery, building. Others need working capital or running finance to purchase raw material or goods, pay utilities, salaries. Many SMEs need trade finance for import, exports and domestic trading. All the entrepreneurs complained of lack of interest of commercial banks in financing them and pointed out that the banks were demanding immovable properties in selected areas as collateral.
Few even informed UNISAME that the banks were not inclined to discount export bills and refused post shipment finance against bills of third world countries and letter of credits established by buyers having low rating opening banks.
Thaver urged the Bankers Institute to educate the banks in risk management and also design products for the SMEs.
UNISAME suggested the designing of SME credit cards for all micro and SME units according to their size to enable them to pay utilities and purchase bills and facilitate them for short periods till sale and realization of proceeds of their goods or services.
Secondly commercial banks must be directed to finance mandatory percentage of their lending to SMEs. Most of the banks are engaged in consumer financing and reporting it as SME financing. This needs to be checked.
Thirdly there is need to promote hire purchasing and leasing without down payments or equity as this is asset based financing.
Fourthly the ministry of finance must come up with schemes to finance energy companies and security companies to promote alternate energy generation and private guards and detectives services provider companies. Business is not growing due to lack of energy and due to poor law and order.
Posted in: Press Releases
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