Oct 30, 2021 |
The International Trade Centre {ITC} under the auspices of the EU funded ” Growth for Rural Advancement and Sustainable Progress {GRASP} has organized a multi -stakeholder  consultation for the design of SME competitiveness strategy for Sindh on 3 consecutive days from 1st to 3rd November 20121 at a local hotel.
These 3 days consultations will be a platform for public and private stakeholders to discuss the current situation, challenges and advancements relating to the performance of Sindh’s SMEs in multiple areas, including but not limited to quality, skills, logistics, finance, policy and regulations as stated in the invitation to the stakeholders.
 The Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (UNISAME) president Zulfikar Thaver said we are invited and will participate in the deliberations for the cause of the SME farmers, traders, manufacturers and the services providers wholeheartedly.
He said Sindh has vast potential and the SMEs of Sindh are in a position to change the destiny of Sindh if given the opportunity, the encouragement and support to modernize their units.
He lauded the provincial industries ministry and emphasized that the Sindh Enterprise Development Fund (SEDF) is in a position to uplift the existing SME units and also set up new units provided their scope is extended to include beyond their restricted specific agenda of agriculture related projects only. He said the vast potentiality of Sindh’s entrepreneurs has remained untapped. There is vast scope in farming and value addition in all the segments. He advised the Sindh chief minister Syed Murad Ali Shah to set up a CM Investment Cell and invite the leading industrialist to join hands to promote indigenous and import substitution industries in Sindh. The Union chief offered the services of Unisame experts for fast track promotion.
The Unisame Council experts will participate on all 3 days with 3 members on each day and will highlight the issues vigorously.

Posted in: Press Releases

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