Jun 14, 2014 |

The Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (UNISAME) expressed disappointment with the budget 2014-15 and urged the Sindh chief minister (CM) Syed Qaim Ali Shah to have proper direction of growth and take jump start to exploit the abundant resources.

The most important issues of law and order, energy, industrialization of Sindh, cottage industries and farm sector remained unattended. Measures for improving law and order, promotion of alternate energy, setting up industries and improving farm efficiency were not given priority.

President UNISAME Zulfikar Thaver said the Sindh government is very lethargic despite the fact that there is abundant and rewarding scope in agro processing industries, cattle farming, fisheries and cottage industries. The province has the best crops, pulse, vegetables, fruits, flowers and a number of value addition SME units could be set up allover the province. In Punjab there are chain of industries all over Punjab and the Punjab government is welcoming the setting up of new industries. It is high time the Sindh government takes SME promotion seriously. The union urged the Sindh government to study the Punjab model of growth.

The Sindh government needs to embark on the SME promotion and development vigorously with the help of the SME promotion bodies in Sindh.
The SMEs are anxiously waiting to move into interior Sindh if the law and order and energy is resolved.

UNISAME recommended that the Sindh government to have linkages between roads and farms and efficient logistics.

He pointed out that Sindh has the best Sindhri mangoes yet no pulp plant has been set up, likewise several other industries can be promoted like tomato ketch up, dehydration and cold storage are needed. Likewise the cattle farming ,fisheries and agro processing industries need the immediate attention of the provincial government.

In Punjab the sugar mills are producing their own power whereas the sugar mills in Sindh are lacking this initiative.

UNISAME experts have advised the Sindh leadership to seek the help of the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) and UNISAME for the promotion of alternate energy systems, for setting up the security system for controlling crime in industrial areas, for promotion of cottage industries, for increasing logistics efficiency for reducing cost of doing business.

The union has urged the CM to focus on industrialization of Sindh on fast track basis and work on providing a conducive environment and also set up an alternate energy committee to promote alternate energy units wherever possible

Posted in: Press Releases

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