Jan 24, 2022 |

The. Union of Small. and Medium Enterprises (UNISAME) has advised the government to aim and work full time for creating self sufficiency in food primarily and next in chemicals to reduce dependency on imports drastically.
President UNISAME  Zulfikar Thaver said self sufficiency is the best answer in the present situation of a burdened and indebted economy. The heavy imports are consuming all our hard earned foreign exchange from exports ad remittances.
Thaver said we need to adopt reverse engineering for manufacturing equipment and machinery at home. just like China did in the early stages. Even in agriculture we need to act fast and adopt modernization for better yields.
The UNISAME Council (UC) has urged the economic leadership to gear up and work seriously towards self sufficiency. There is urgent need under CPEC to seek Chinese technology, collaborations, partnerships and joint ventures and unless it is sought as a most essential item on the CPEC agenda it will not be given.
The import substitution agenda of the government is not being implemented in letter and spirit. The economic managers are very much involved in matters of survival and are not focusing on the very important matters of implementation of committed policies.
The UC has urged the policy makers to comprehend the urgent need to work towards creating self sufficiency.

Posted in: Press Releases

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