Jul 20, 2019 |

The Financial Daily 19/07/19.
The Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (UNISAME) has invited the attention of the policy makers to the need to set up a Value Addition Bureau (VAB) to boost exports of goods manufactured by SME units.
President UNISAME Zulfikar Thaver said the proposed VAB can educate the SME sector to add value to the produce items, secondly the bureau could also arrange transfer of technology, collaborations, joint ventures and investors for the entrepreneurs. Thirdly the SME units could also be educated on the latest printing and technology for attractive packing for value addition on modern lines. Fourthly VAB could play an important role in promoting import substitution industries.
Thaver said the policy makers need to comprehend the simple facts that for the balance of payment to improve , the exports need to increase, imports have to reduce, goods made in Pakistan to be patronized, innovative industries need to be promoted, downstream industries and recycling of goods promoted. The VAB could become a dedicated institution to promote all these functions.
Thaver said some of our products do not come up to international standards and could be imparted knowledge about international bench marks and taught about increasing shelf life.
During the visits of UNISAME experts to factories it has been observed that there is a lot of wastage of electricity, water and raw material.
Energy audits have indicated upto 30% savings likewise water and material savings has taken place on identification of superfluous consumption.
The VAB can co-ordinate with TDAP, SMEDA, NPO and PCSIR for effective implementation of agenda.

Posted in: Press Releases

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