NO SME BODY CAN ACHIEVE SANS SMEDA…The Financial Daily 18/08/2020

Aug 18, 2020 |

The Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (UNISAME) whilst thanking prime minister (PM) Imran Khan for constituting the National Coordination committee (NCC) stressed the need for strengthening the Small Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) without loss of time.President UNISAME Zulfikar Thaver said many committees have been constituted and fizzled out after couple of meetings. He named the SME Task Force, the National committee on SMEs and the SME Forum of Pakistan constituted by State Bank of Pakistan ( SBP) last year.He said it has been our long outstanding demand for a coordination committee and we are glad that PM has accepted our demand. However he pointed out that unless and until SMEDA is not equipped with personnel, funds and a focused agenda for fast track SME uplift no committee will be able to achieve.The increase in size and scope of SMEDA is very essential. We fail to understand why the government is not comprehending this requirement of the sector for a bigger and broader outreach of cater to SMEs in all the districts.The SME sector is the majority sector and deserves a strong and effective SMEDA.Thaver said it is wise of the government to include the Trade Development Authority of Pakistan ( TDAP) and said in the last meeting of the SME Pakistan Forum we insisted on the inclusion of TDAP, PCSIR and NPO for integrated efforts.Thaver said we are hopeful the NCC will impress upon the government to make finance affordable, accessible and stress on the need for filling the technological gap,  offering marketing support through national portal with global exposure. The other requirements of the sector are uninterrupted affordable energy, reduction of duties on raw material, efficient logistics and collateral management with low cost credit guarantee insurance.The SME Bank like SMEDA needs booster doze with injection of funds and experienced executives.Unisame experts have urged the government to expedite the long awaited SME policy and hope the NCC will ensure its announcement and implementation otherwise it will remain just a document like many other policies they pointed out.

Posted in: Press Releases

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