Need to promote UNGC principles
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Karachi : The International Council of Small and Medium Enterprises (ICSMEs) stressed the need for accountability in Pakistan in a meeting with Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (UNISAME) to promote and elaborate the principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) in Pakistan for human rights, environment, labour and anti corruption.
President UNISAME Zulfikar Thaver said the representatives of ICSMEs were keen that a strong accountability be installed in Pakistan with regulatory mechanism and monitoring system at all levels.
He conveyed the basic formula recommended by ICSMEs which insisted on all selections, appointments and promotions strictly based on merit be it in the judiciary, armed forces, intelligence agencies, institutions and bureaucracy. Even corporations be advised to follow the merit rules and standards and the Security and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) be advised to strictly follow the rules. The appointments of heads of commercial banks and regulatory authorities also needs to be based on merit and favoritism be discarded completely to promote merit culture in Pakistan.
Secondly strict accountability in all projects and construction, development and civil works be inspected and final certificate be issued by independent authority for certification and inspection.
Thirdly the nationalized banks be barred from financing politicians their families and friends on their recommendations. All financing be done by nationalized banks to entrepreneurs on merit.
The government of Pakistan needs to declare austerity and all traveling of ministers, bureaucrats and coalition political parties on state expense be restricted to bare minimum. Only small effective delegations approved by the accountability cell be allowed and officers for representations be selected on merit.
The ICSMEs officials pointed out that Pakistan is a high potential country and being a vibrant economy based on agricultural produce and cash crops with good management and good governance under a strong accountability system can bring about remarkable changes for economic growth.
They appreciated the good work being done by UNISAME as participants of UNGC in Pakistan and urged UNISAME to expand the body to include activist from the trade bodies to achieve positive results against anti corruption drive in Pakistan.
Posted in: Press Releases
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