HIGH IMPACT STEPS FOR SMEs STRESSED….The Financial Daily 06/07/2020

Jul 6, 2020 |

The Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (UNISAME) has invited the attention of prime minister (PM) Imran Khan to the extraordinary efforts needed for the SME sector due to the setback caused by the pandemic and urged him to direct the ministries to take high impact steps to help the sector not only to recover but become globally competitive.
UNISAME experts have urged the PM to give his approval to the SME policy 2020 lying on his desk, to direct immediate formation of SMEDA board and direct priority for SME sector for SME promotion and development on fast track because every single day matters as the sector is dislodged and disabled because of the pandemic and most affected.
President UNISAME Zulfikar Thaver reiterated that the limping SME sector needs support, help, facilities and encouragement to overcome the terrible setback due to the economic crisis.
The sector needs uninterrupted affordable energy, affordable finance, support for modernization, up gradation, transfer of technology and marketing support.
Unless and until adequate energy is supplied to the SME units and at reduced rates, financing facilities and access to finance at affordable rates, facilities for doing business, filling the technological gap and giving marketing support to the sector it will not be able to get back on its feet and face global challenges he emphasized.
In this respect UNISAME experts have pointed out the neglect, overlooking and omission on the part of the government. First of all the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) which is the only SME promotion and development institution is left without a board of directors, the new SME policy to replace the SME policy 2007 is reported to be completed but not declared. It is very important for SMEDA to be strengthened and its size,scope and capabilities are increased to outreach the huge number of SMEs all over Pakistan including the SME farmers.
The high impact steps required are setting up a value addition bureau, an SME portal for SME goods made in Pakistan to exhibit globally the products and services offered by SMEs. An SME coordination wing to link Pakistan Council of Industrial Research (PCSIR), Engineering Development Board (EDB), the Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP), SMEDA and National Productivity Organization for integrated and joint efforts.
Thaver said a segment wise serious study of each industry is required to comprehend the needs of each and for this SMEDA will need to hire more personnel to examine the facilities required by textiles, leather, foodstuffs, fisheries, agro based industries, light engineering and others like sports and surgical goods. He said we have repeatedly made this request to the ministry but unfortunately it has fallen on deaf ears. SMEDA officials have understood our point of view but are unable due to the meager staff at their disposal and this is a big task but could uplift all the segments scientifically
UNISAME experts appreciated the setting up of Pakistan Innovation Fund for almost 10 billion rupees sponsored by the ministry of science and technology and called for accelerated efforts for its implementation considering the challenges the sector is facing

Posted in: Press Releases

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