Government urged to seek advise from world top economist ..The Financial Daily 11/05/2022

May 11, 2022 |

The Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (UNISAME) expressed serious concern about the government’s ability to overcome big challenges of inflation, depreciation of rupee, energy crisis, world trade recession, apprehended food shortages due to less rain and defective supply chain ,high cost of logistics and IMF lack of interest due to political instability.
President UNISAME Zulfikar Thaver said it is indeed a worrisome situation and it is apprehended that the government may not be able to cope up with all the multiple challenges and it is best to seek advise of a renowned expert economist like Atif Mian or any other equally good as it seems beyond the comprehension of our experts to come up with outstanding strategies.
Thaver said there are also the problems of smuggling, speculation, hoarding, profiteering and corruption as these malpractice continue unabated.
It is indeed surprising that the government has not yet declared austerity, cut imports, reduce its expenses and taken serious measures to check inflation and price control.
The prices of all items are increasing on a daily basis and the common man is the worst sufferer and is finding it very difficult to survive.
Big cars are still being imported and locally assembled cars have also become costly with no check on their huge profit margins and so are luxury goods and the imported goods are being misdeclared and containers are being unloaded in broad daylight of banned items directly in markets.
The UNISAME Council lamented that at this rate and with this state of affairs how will the situation improve and how will the balance of payments improve and trade deficit reduced.

Posted in: Press Releases

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