Oct 8, 2020 |

The Central Standing Committee on Rice of the Federation of Chamber of Commerce and industry unanimously resolved to protect and promote basmati rice its heritage at all cost.
Whilst chairing the committee Rafique Suleman apprised the participants of the firm commitments of Abdul Razzak Dawood the adviser to prime minister (PM) Imran Khan, the Intellectual Property Organization (IPO), the Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) and the Rice Exporters Association of Pakistan (REAP) to leave no stone unturned to not only protect but also promote basmati rice in all markets and forums globally. He informed that a task force has been formed in REAP for the purpose and it will vigorously attend to the matter and connect with the bureaucracy and the ministries involved. His views were endorsed by Abdul Qayum Piracha, chairman REAP, Abdul Rahim Janoo, Kazim Khandwalla, Faisal Bombi and leading rice exporters. The participants who were on conference calls on the internet also expressed concern and sought prompt action in the matter. Yasmin Ismail, Hamid Malik and others expressed confidence in the leadership of chairman CSC of FPCCI Rafique Suleman and sincerely hoped the FPCCI would remain focused on important issues.
President Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (UNISAME) Zulfikar Thaver assisted by vice president Asif Hayat informed the participants that protection and promotion of basmati is a collective responsibility of all stakeholders and every effort must be made to grow more and export more. He said that we should not rest assured till the IPO files the application for inclusion of Geographical Indication (GI) tag and is approved and given to our basmati by the European Union (EU). India has no legs to stand on and its exclusive application for GI tag for its basmati will not be considered and Pakistan’s application will be considered on merit.
They advised the concerned to take prompt steps to register the basmati trademark determining the ownership with TDAP and simultaneously confirm the GI tag for basmati and all GI items of Pakistan now that the GI law bill has been passed.It is pertinent to note that certain steps have to be taken without loss of time and before applying to the EU. The matter pending in Sindh High Court also needs to be studied and pursued diligently. The stakeholders must not be found napping and remain proactive and alert emphasised the participants.
The certification of basmati rice as mentioned in the GI law needs to be given to an independent authority like Trading Corporation of Pakistan (TCP) or PCSIR alternatively to accredited private pre-shipment inspection companies. Under no circumstances it should be entrusted to the association of growers or exporters as it would give rise to conflict of interest, said the Unisame chief with all emphasis at his command.
The executive director of IPO Meesaq Arif assured the participants that the matter is in control and the TM and GI tag will be given to our basmati which it fully deserves. All steps are being taken as per GI law and the IPO is fully aware of all legal formalities and action to be taken.
Mukesh Kumar provincial chief Sindh SMEDA and manager legal affairs Feroze Ahmed also took notes to be forwarded to the ministry of industries through SMEDA head office for giving top priority to the matter as it concerns the SME rice exporters who are in the majority and engaged in value addition of basmati.
The matter of trade with Kenya was also taken up by the chairman CSC and it was suggested that a Free Trade Agreement with Kenya could resolve the issues of duties on rice and tea and trade can be promoted fairly by both the countries.

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