Apr 3, 2013 |

The Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (UNISAME) urged the caretaker prime minister (PM) Mir Hazar Khan Khoso to play an effective role and take corrective measures wherever needed and not just play the role of a night watchman.

President UNISAME Zulfikar Thaver said the business community is badly affected by deteriorating law and order, bad energy supply management, inflation, depreciation of rupee, high cost of production and huge expenses of the government compelling closure of most of development work.

He said the caretaker government is surely duty bound to make corrections wherever required and set right the omissions, neglect and mistakes of the ex- government.

He invited the attention of the PM to the flight of capital, the feeling of insecurity in the business community and urged and his worthy cabinet to take positive steps and not just wait for the next government to set things right. The interim period is very important considering the issues facing the country and remaining passive to the issues will enhance the difficulties.

The caretaker cabinet ministers are expected to shoulder the responsibilities and ensure that during the caretaker period they are able to confront the issues boldly especially the issues of law and order, economy,corruption and inflation. It is expected that the cabinet ministers will pay surprise visits to the departments and related sectors and areas under their ministries he hoped.

The union felicitated the newly appointed cabinet of the caretaker set up and expressed confidence in the selection of reputable persons of high integrity and hoped the portfolios will be allotted according to the experience and expertise of the members especially the portfolios of finance,industry,commerce, agriculture, health and education.

Posted in: Press Releases

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