Aug 25, 2021 |

The Union of Small and Medium Enterprises has invited the attention of
the prime minister (PM) Imran Khan to the time of his term running fast
and only 2 years are left for a lot of work to be done.
UNISAME president Zulfikar Thaver said unfortunately the pandemic caused
a big setback nevertheless the PM and his team wisely managed it with
smart lock down and promoting vaccination.
Thaver said the need of the hour is to cut down on imports, increase
exports,make in Pakistan import substitution items, reduce cost of
production and make doing business easy. The economy needs modern
banking, leasing, insurance and logistics.
Pakistan is in a position to make quality food stuffs yet it is imported
in abundance, regarding our exports strong efforts are required to enter
non traditional markets of non traditional goods and also increase
exports of our geographical indications (GI) items and of course our
traditional items to non traditional markets.
The UNISAME Council (UC) members insisted that Pakistan must make its
own solar panels.
The UC also suggested higher efficiency and more facilities in banking,
commercial property leasing, affordable insurance for exports,
They pointed out that inflation is killing the good work of the
government and needs to be dealt firmly by attacking smuggling,
hoarding,black marketing and money laundering.
The SME experts invited the attention of the PM to the long delayed SME
policy and the strengthening of the Small and Medium Enterprises
Development Authority (SMEDA)and urged the PM to expedite matters to win
the race.
They informed the PM that SME is the majority sector and together with
the micro entrepreneurs and the SME farmers it is a big vote bank if
their hearts are won.

Posted in: Press Releases

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