Sep 17, 2024 |

The Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (UNISAME) is pleased to inform that the Union chief Zulfikar Thaver had a very satisfying meeting with the CEO SMEDA Socrat Aman Rana, Raja Hasnain Javed GM and Muhammed Raza manager projects yesterday (16th September 2024) at UNISAME office and reiterated the requirements of the sector.
At the very outset the CEO SMEDA gave the good news of confirmed programs for enhancing exports, empowering women, setting up of facilitation centres and making SMEs bankable and couple of other beneficial programs.
Thaver said since the large sector is shy the majority SME sector is the only option for stimulating growth of the economy. SMEs can change the destiny of Pakistan if facilitated, encouraged, supported, helped and motivated.
He urged the officials of SMEDA to focus on exports of SME wares through a global SME Gallery exhibiting products and to connect SMEs with international buyers 24/7. The CEO liked the idea and said an application with the tools for global connections would be ideal.
Secondly he requested for Pay as you earn schemes under asset based Islamic financing for commercial property leasing and also for machinery, land, warehouses, shops, offices and raw materials. The CEO and his colleagues appreciated the suggestion and promised to examine it and would take up the matter with the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP).
Thirdly he requested for affordable alternate energy promotion as costly electricity has ruined the SME units.
Fourthly to fill the technological gap he advised close coordination and cooperation with PCSIR and Engineering consultants and of course CPEC.
Fifthly on behalf of the SME LC-RC he requested SMEDA to actively participate in liaison activities and guide jointly the entrepreneurs for resolution of their issues, advocacy and representation.
Other important matters were discussed about strengthening SMEDA to increase its size and scope for wider outreach.
Thaver urged for inclusion of SME farmers in SMEDA’s fold. Effective coordination between SMEDA, SBP, TDAP, PCSIR and FBR under ministries of finance and also ministries of commerce, information technology for friendly policies is a must and calls for a coordination committee for active and vibrant efforts for integrated efforts of all stakeholders.
Import substitution industries need to be promoted and PCSIR could be of help as in its meetings with UNISAME it had stated that they have feasibility of manufacturing solar panels, drones, and other imported items in Pakistan. It is important for SMEDA to coordinate with PCSIR for these imported items as well as many chemicals which are imported. PCSIR has vast potential which needs to be exploited.
Unisame chief expressed satisfaction and thankfulness to SMEDA chief and officials for their dedicated efforts and earnestness to fulfill the agenda of rapid SME promotion and development.
He assured full co-operation and support for identification of impediments, recommendation of remedial measures, pursuing implementation of agenda and of course advocacy at all levels.
One more point was discussed that SMEDA needs to work closely with all religion communities, trade associations, chambers and also forums and groups for the betterment of SMEs.
UNISAME had initiated a program to visit all religious communities and talk with community leaders and to educate them on the subject. It is pertinent to note that some communities are doing exceedingly well and have established clinics, hospitals, schools and colleges and few are aspiring to open universities which is remarkable but nevertheless SME promotion and development is a special subject which calls for expertise.

Posted in: Press Releases

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