Unisame apprises CEO SMEDA of SME WOES…Financial Daily 26/7/23

Jul 27, 2023 |

The Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (UNISAME) president held telephonic meetings with Farhan Aziz Khwaja chief executive officer (CEO) of Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) and Shehryar Tahir external director SMEDA and discussed important issues of the sector.
President UNISAME Zulfikar Thaver apprised the CEO of the turmoils facing the SMEs due to lack of foreign exchange funds for imports and on top of it the high rate of interest which is destroying the entrepreneurs.
He said SME promotion and development is not everybody’s cup of tea and added that SME promotion is no charity, it is the duty of the state and the right of the under privileged.
Secondly he lamented the high cost of energy for industries.
He reminded them that SME is the majority sector having a vast vote Bank and this time determined to vote only for the party which makes a strong commitment to offer the basic requirements of the sector namely finance at affordable rates, uninterrupted energy at affordable rates, land at concession on pay as you earn basis in industrial estates or zones, facilities for import of raw material and transfer of technology to fill the technological gap.
Thaver said these are the demands of the sector which will enhance the growth of the sector and stimulate the economy. He said the sector needs modern banking, leasing, insurance and logistics and every effort must be made to improve these pillars of the economy. The economy has to stand on its feet and SME sector is the engine of growth and most vibrant. It is unfortunate that it has been neglected in the past but nevertheless with the help of world agencies and donor institutions it will hopefully become vibrant again.
UNISAME chief said there is dire need for integrated efforts and offered his union’ s voluntary services to co-ordinate between the stakeholders namely State Bank of Pakistan , commercial banks, ministries of commerce, finance, science and technology for targeted,focused and integrated efforts to increase exports of SME wares and geographical indication items.
The CEO SMEDA said the authority will complete its homework for uplift of the sector during the period of the caretaker government and will be fully ready with a strategy for promotion and development of the sector on modern lines.
He expressed his desire to work hand in hand with UNISAME and other stakeholders.
UNISAME Council members said SMEDA is fortunate to have Farhan Aziz as their CEO as he is very enthusiastic and passionate for the uplift of the sector and is very experienced and has comprehended the requirements of the sector in a very short span of time.

Posted in: Press Releases

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