Call to include SMEs in the industrial policy frame…The Financial daily 07/02/22

Feb 7, 2022 |

The Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (UNISAME) has urged Khusro Bakhtiar federal minister for industries and production to take the SME sector on board for consultation in the industrial policy which is being framed.

President UNISAME Zulfikar Thaver said the SMEs are the back forte of the large industries and play an important role as vendors to the automotive and light engineering industry.
It is very important that SME leaders are included in the policy making to enable them join the mainstream.
Secondly he pointed out that the depletion clause is not being followed in letter and spirit and the automobile industry is importing auto parts in the name of commercial importers which they are supposed to make themselves or buy from domestic industries.
Thirdly he urged the federal minister to give tariff protection to domestic industries and impose heavy duties on items imported from foreign countries despite the fact that they are made in Pakistan.
UNISAME Council also urged the minister to promote import of machinery and facilitate the upper medium enterprises who are ready to set up import substitution industries and arrange for them collaboration, joint ventures or partnerships under CPEC from China. They also urged him to set up value addition bureau for training SMEs to add value to produce items and export them rather than simply exporting in the primary stage.

Posted in: Press Releases

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