Commodity Exporters Seek Permission To Export Khashkhash

Jan 8, 2022 |
The Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (UNISAME) has requested Sauleh Faruqui, federal secretary commerce to give the matter his  serious consideration and allow export of Khashkhash and Gurr as proposed and recommended by Unisame and Smeda both.
Unisame has also invited the attention of  secretary Transit and Border Trade , Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) to the fact that whereas  the export policy order (EPO) allows export of  Khashkhash (poppy seeds) on the condition that it is imported from a country where it is licitly grown , the WeBOC does not allow on its own website. This is indeed contrary to the EPO.
In this connection Unisame has  invited his  attention to the export of white food grade poppy seeds (Khashkash) and the fact that the PSQCA has adopted its standard as food, food ingredient and a culinary item and SMEDA has also recommended allowing its export through MoI&P to Ministry of Commerce.
Unisame would like to point out that WeBOC contrary to the EPO states that export of Poppy seeds is not allowed and this needs to be clarified and corrected.
The SME exporters fail to understand how can WeBOC not allow, when Export Policy Order allows it.
The exporters are desirous of exporting White poppy seeds (Khashkhash) which is a food commodity and now that PSQCA has removed the stigma on white food grade poppy seeds Khashkhash.
Unisame has questioned that when export of opium is allowed subject to the condition that it is grown licitly in the country from where it is imported why white food grade poppy seeds grown in our own country is not allowed  as stated in the WeBOC contrary to the Export Policy Order.

Posted in: Press Releases

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