Sep 22, 2021 |

The Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (UNISAME) has pointed out and expressed disappointment that SME policy is being finalized and meetings are convened regularly but unfortunately the core issues and institutions required for high impact growth are being overlooked.
UNISAME president Zulfikar Thaver said it is extremely important that the SME Bank is revived and made a specific SME Bank in letter and spirit and funds are injected in it and it is made into a strong solid bank for SMEs to cater to the sector.
Secondly he said the Exim Bank which is formed but not functioning be made active to serve the sector.
Thirdly the Export Credit Guarantee Insurance Company be made effective for covering shipments to third world countries and with affordable premium.
Fourthly the sector needs an SME Business Portal for marketing support to global countries.
Besides these the sector needs an SME Ombudsman, a value addition bureau and a technical institute for product upgradation guidance.
Faud Garib patron -in – chief UNISAME personally told the minister and officials in the meeting that the SME farmers need support for mechanization and modernization of farms to increase the yields and quality of crops. Agriculture is the backbone and the primary sector which needs best attention as it is the source of all raw material.
Thaver said we are thankful to the prime minister Imran Khan and the Industries and Production minister Khusro Bakhtiar and Hashim Raza CEO SMEDA for their focused attention and passion for the sector but fail to understand why the SME policy is delayed and institutions which are urgently required are taking so long to get into gear.
The UNISAME council lamented that SMEDA the specific institution for SME promotion and development is without a board of directors.
The SMEs sometimes feel the policy makers are simply gaining time and are going in circles without serious implementation For that matter even if the SME policy is not implemented it will remain just a document.
The last policy was made in 2007 and efforts are now being made to come up with a comprehensive policy but the question is the time taken and slow pace which is causing setback to the sector.
Mere discussions, meetings will not be of any help and support to the sector but positive prompt action is required.
Meetings of stakeholders are being convened and same questions are being asked but there is no action to be seen lamented the stakeholders.

Posted in: Press Releases

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