Nov 7, 2013 |

The International Council of the Small and Medium Enterprises (ICSMEs) in a message to the Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (UNISAME) said in Pakistan the SMEs are the axis of the economy and major economic activity rotates around them. The government cannot afford to neglect them as they are engaged in trading, manufacturing,services and farming and make significant contribution in these sectors.

President UNISAME Zulfikar Thaver conveyed the message to the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA).
He conveyed the guide lines given by the ICSMEs and elaborated that the SMEs need to be facilitated, supported, encouraged and motivated to tap their potentiality.

The Pakistani SMEs are dynamic and are willing to enter non traditional markets, manufacture innovative items, exploit indigenous resources and in farming cultivate and develope barren lands but need conducive environment and energy. Several Pakistani communities namely the Chinniots, Memons, Bohris, Ismailies, Hindhus in Sind and the Pathans of Khyber Pakhtunkhawa are very dynamic and need to be encouraged. SMEDA needs to focus on community development projects with the collaboration of the communities.

Thaver urged the government to promote renewable energy of solar,wind and biomass and facilitate those SMEs who are ready and willing to install alternate renewable energy systems by financing them and abolishing all duties, levies and surcharges on alternate energy systems.
Secondly the SME units need to be protected and the law enforcing agencies need to ensure that the miscreants and gangsters do not harass them and demand illegal money from them. The provincial governments must ensure protection squads in industrial, commercial and market areas for regular checks on gangsters and patronized loafers.

Posted in: Press Releases

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