Dec 18, 2020 |

The Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (UNISAME) and SME Farmers Association (SMEF jointly commemorated National Farmers Day to recognize the efforts of the farmers who toil and sweat to feed the nation. The farmers deserve the most thanks from all of us for food on our tables and the food on the shelves of the groceries and markets.
Haji Muhammad Saeed the chairman of SMEFA welcomed the participants on conference line and said agriculture is truly the backbone of the country. It is the primary sector that is the source of all raw material for the industries. He urged the government to facilitate the SME farmers by fixing fair support prices for crops. Secondly, he recommended subsidized prices for fertilizers, seeds and diesel. He said the recent rains and subsequent water logging destroyed many farms and caused huge losses to the sector and no reasonable help or support was given by the provincial governments.
President UNISAME Zulfikar Thaver urged the need for modernization of farms, promotion of hydroponic farming, He also urged the government to promote corporate farming and co-operative farming. He appreciated the role of State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) in promoting agricultural financing which has saved the farmers from borrowing from the middlemen at unfair rates. Indeed the microfinance banks have played a very significant role and the sector is thankful to the MSME banks for this contribution.
Nilofer Ahmed said tractor schemes with low interest rates are needed. Also she stressed on community equipment usage services, she pointed out the increasing number of women in farming. The requirements of having more weekly farm markets would also prove beneficial to the sector. She also emphasized the need for water conservation technologies for efficient use of water.
Ali Dilawar Hussain said we need to promote agri industries who could adopt and influence farmers to grow products which are imported and provide them technologies for cultivation. Just like olives which are now grown in the country.
Air Marshal (R) Zafar Mirza said it is very important for our farmers to get the technology to increase yield per acre. He said wheat production could be increased one and a half times by improving existing methods. He emphasized on education for the farmers.
Abduraman Baig said 90% of farmers don’t own the land they cultivate, they lack knowledge of modern farming, fumigation, fertilizer and irrigation. They are also facing lack of water and other irregularities like flooding. The government needs to inform the farmers what to grow and when. If everyone grows cotton,sugarcane, rice and wheat then the government has to import other crops. Government needs to have a bird’s eye view of what to grow where and have the muscles to execute the plan. This will minimize imports, cost, enhance the usage of land, water, resources in farming and help in better yield and prosperity he said.
UNISAME and SMEFA chiefs thanked the participants and promised to convey the recommendations to the agricultural ministries. The meeting unanimously resolved to support, help,facilitate and promote modernization of the farm sector and advocate their cause.


Posted in: Press Releases

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