UNISAME urges PM to order sector specific studies for preparedness

Jun 21, 2020 |

KARACHI: The Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (UNISAME) has invited the urgent attention of the prime minister (PM) Imran Khan to the urgent need to sector specific studies on agriculture, fisheries, livestock, poultry and dairy for food security and exports in the coming months for speedy recovery, says a Press release.
In agriculture rice, wheat, maize and pulses deserve special attention for survival.
Next is cotton which is raw material for the textiles industry and for fulfilling export targets.
President UNISAME Zulfikar Thaver lamented that due to the pandemic the ministries have been dejected and seem not inclined to keep good pace.
Thaver said there has been a setback no doubt but as such it is important to understand that infrastructure is in place and the pandemic has caused no damage to infrastructure, all work of development can go on despite the pandemic.
It is expected that the economy will surely bounce back once the COVID-19 is curtailed and controlled. It is very important that food security plan remains in good gear and the important sector studies are carried out in earnest in order not to disrupt the growth and progress.
A stitch in time saves nine and the government must not delay support to the sectors as per their specific requirements.
0 rating for fisheries is very important along with the five which were facilitated earlier.
The rice sector also deserves to be declared as industry and included for 0 rating.
The government has to seriously look into the specific requirements of each sector without delay to overcome the impact of COVID-19 on the economy and believe that each sector has vast in built mechanism to recover and how best it can be facilitated. This can only be done by studying the requirements of each sector.
It is pertinent to note that import substitution industries need to be promoted on war footings.
Pakistan is in a position to manufacture many items presently being imported. High regulatory duties must be imposed on items although made in Pakistan are being imported by traders. The indigenous industry cannot afford to be neglected.
The Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP), the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA), the Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR) must co-ordinate to promote value addition on fast track.
UNISAME Council experts have offered their voluntary services to help institutions to coordinate for best results.

Posted in: Press Releases

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